Culinary Operations Manager

Education: Le Cordon Bleu at Western Culinary Institute in Portland, A.O.S. in Culinary Arts

Past Experience: Tilth in Seattle – Sous Chef (four years working with mentor Chef Maria Hines, James Beard winner and Food & Wine magazine Best New Chef, named one of the best restaurants in the country by the New York Times), the Golden Beetle (also with Chef Maria Hines)

Greatest professional learning experience: Helping Maria Hines open her second restaurant Agrodolce while Sous Chef at Tilth

Favorite guilty pleasure food: Scampi French Fries' from Scolaris Good Eats in Alameda

Takes out of town guests to eat at: Range Life (Livermore), Mujuri (Oakland), Saul's Deli (Berkeley)

Recharges by: Renting a boat and going fishing or BBQs with friends and family.

Next on travel bucket list: Italy, Japan & London